Javascript in Titanium or Swift: What do you want to see?

Which would you rather see a tutorial series on, Javascript in Titanium, or Swift?

For those unfamiliar, Javascript with Titanium can be used for iOS and Android development and will work on both Mac and Windows. (Titanium also technically supports Linux, although the one developer I know who has tried to use it on Linux has not had a lot of luck.)

Swift is Apple’s new language for native iOS and Mac development and as such it can only be used with Xcode, meaning need you need a Mac to develop with it.

I plan on writing a few tutorials along with creating a Udemy course at some point in the near future, so I would love to hear what you guys would most like to see.

There’s a very good chance I will do both, however I’d like to know which one you want me to prioritize.

Which would you rather see?

  •  Javascript
  •  Swift

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Thanks for taking the time to vote!

Peach Pellen 

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